Jan 25, 2008


NR had his 18 month checkup today, and I took the day off to spend at home with him and get some things caught up. I just wish it was not so cold and rainy. He is getting so big and growing so quickly. He talks nonstop and is learning to repeat EVERYTHING we say. He can't make some of the sounds that are more complex, but he tries anyway. He is so cute and funny. I took him to work after his checkup to see some of my coworkers, and they were shocked at how big he has gotten and how active he was. Now, mommy gets some time to herself while he naps...I figured I would post a couple new pics of him for now.

The first picture was him trying to get away from us at bedtime. He was not in the mood to go to sleep so he did not want to take off clothes to put on PJ's. The other picture was taken on a weekend morning when we all slept in some and then lounged around in our PJ's before taking care of our normal Saturday activities. Lately, he has really liked to 'draw' pictures. If I am at the computer, he will come over and ask for papur and peh which is paper and pencil of course. :)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I seriously cannot believe how big he is now. He is such a cute little boy. You'll have to come out for a visit to play with Isabel!