Mar 17, 2008

Husband Tag

What is his name? JRC (I don't use names on this blog, otherwise I would put it)

How long did you date? About 2 years.....I know, and it seemed like forever!

How long have you been married? Will be 6 years in May

Who eats more sweets? That will always be me. I have a huge sweet tooth.

Who is taller? Him for sure (6'5")

Who is the better singer? He is (my family is not musically inclined)

Who does the laundry? Mostly him, but I help if I get to it first.

Who pays the bills? Me

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does

Who mows the lawn? He does, but I have done it a couple of times. :)

Who cooks dinner? Usually me unless I have had a really bad day at work or am running around still when he gets home.

Who drives? Always him

Who is more stubborn? Me for sure

Who kissed who first? depends on which of us you ask...he will say me and I will say him

Who asked who out? I did.....a friend of mine back in college had the biggest crush on him, so I had asked for his number for her. He had absolutely no attraction to her and never did. He was not really my type, so I had no intention of using it for my benefit. The more I was the liasion between the two of them, the more I started to like him. We talked for hours on the phone one night, and the rest is history. :)

Who proposed? He did but not the way he wanted to....he had a romantic proposal planned out-I was too impatient!! We were headed to my parents for Christmas eve and day, then we were flying out to WA to visit his family and attend his sister's wedding. He had not asked my dad if he could marry me, but on our way from Lubbock, he pulled into a pinic area. I did not believe him of course since I had no idea he had a ring with him. After telling him that it was not funny and pretty much refusing to believe him, he got out and got down on one knee in the dirt and asked if I would marry him. He felt bad because the ring was not complete since he hand picked the diamond for me. The center stone was set, but he did not have time for the baguettes to be placed in the setting. (A little less romantic than a walk along the Puget Sound waterline and a proprosal overlooking the water.)

Who is more sensitive? Me

Who has more siblings? He does (5 to 3)

Who wears the pants? We work as a team most of the time. :)

I tag Stephanie, Allison, Lisa, and anyone else who would like to.


Allison said...

Hey Brandi I finally finished mine!! This was fun - I loved reading yours, too!

Stephanie said...

ok. sorry I'm slow. I did finish mine. dido with allison...i liked reading yours.