Nov 29, 2008

Christmas Decorating & Baking

Yesterday was the day....not that it takes us long to decorate. We don't do much around here since we have a two year old boy that loves to touch things he has been told not to! We did put up some decorations around the house and of course the tree. NR and JR 'fluffing' the tree while I grabbed a quick photo. NR was actually trying to do the tree was cute. :)
NR helped some, but he was more interested in just bringing me the ornaments. He was funny....when asked where to put each ornament, he would answer exactly the same each time:'UP TOP!' Good thing I did not listen, or we might have had a toppled tree by the time we were done.

He found one thing he enjoyed out of all the stuff we unpacked.......

I tend to get more into baking this time of year. I opted to try a new cheesecake recipe that I got out of a magazine. We will be sampling it tomorrow night, but NR helped me prepare it tonight. If the taste test passes, I will post an after picture and give some reviews of it. :) In the meantime, here are a couple pictures of us in the kitchen together. He LOVES to help then, of course, he wants to LICK the bowl. Typical male, right?


Stephanie said...

Hurray for Christmas. My decor is slowly going up. I love the face N is making in the last picture.

Mandi said...

We aren't even going to put up our tree this year - with Matthew trying to feed everything in sight to Abby, we figured it was a good choice. Plus we are going to Utah for Christmas anyway, so we'll still have a tree on Christmas morning.

That last picture is super-cute! And I love the giant man outline around N.

Chandy said...

Hi Brandi! I found your blog from Shari's; I hope you don't mind me checking it out!

I love your fun pictures! Your son is so darling!

Net said...

I love the outline with the beads pic.

So you saw Roger, huh? Did he catch you up on everything that's happened this last year? WOW.
Emily and I keep in contact a lot. She's been down a few times to visit even. Again, wow. I'd fill you in w/ her news, but that should probably be left to email, which, BTW, I do not have yours. If you want to send me yours, mine is