Oct 25, 2008

Catching up! :)

This one goes out to Shari as requested on my previous blog...... :0)
First off, I have been waiting on some pictures from my mother to post a blog, but since that apparently is not going to happen, I guess you get to see a few of NR instead!
After returning from vacation in August, we went dreadfully back to work and our normal routine. Then, I remembered that I needed to get seriously busy planning a wedding for my sister. You see she is not exactly the get things done kind of person that I can be if I have to. I like to plan, organize, etc.........SHE DOES NOT! I knew I had to step in to make my family's sanity a little easier to maintain. She did ask me to help out so I did not totally take over. :)
So a little background...my family members nor most of the people where I grew up are members of the church. A wedding to them is lots of people in a community center being catered by the local restaurant and lots of alcohol.....not my style of wedding. Thank goodness my sister did not want the typical hometown wedding either. She and I did some brainstorming prior to my vacation......she was getting married in September, but not much had happened since engagement in December. (another reason I had to step up some) She wanted an outdoor semi-country wedding. After much work and efforts to keep costs down, we had a wedding that went pretty well I might say! If I EVER get the pictures from my mother, I will post the outcome. We had haybales covered with cloth and bandanas for seating during the ceremony which was around 7 or so in the evening. Then, the dinner and dancing area had wooden chairs, mason jar candles, horseshoes, more haybales, and daisies. All in all, I think it turned out well. Only a few minor hiccups.....mostly family conflict with the MIL. She likes things her way and my sister likes things HER way. :) So up to September 20th, my weekends and nights were completely consumed with helping my sister get through this rush of planning and preparing. When all that was finally over, I needed to revive myself. Phew-after a day off work, I was half way caught back up on sleep and rest.
One other thing has been going on in our lives, but this one has to be figured out. There are two clues on my blog.....scrambled letters in this blog and an added feature. Good luck guessing!!!!!!!!

In the meantime, here are some pictures of my little boy growing up too quickly............
NR with his helicopter that daycare gave him for his birthday. NR thought he would try to climb out of his bed at daycare...he paid for that decision with this nice little ouchy on his nose.
Little I think I am a stud on daycare red day!

Now, off to bed...way later than my normal bedtime. :)


Mandi said...

Congratulations!! That's so exciting! Lucky girl - you don't get to be all big and preggo during the lovely heat of the summer. That was so not fun, but worth it in the end. Congrats again!

Stephanie said...

Congrats (again)!!! (0:

Shari said...

No body has ever listened to me before...nor will they ever again. I'm just going to sit here a while and revel in my success. We love your updates!

Lisa said...

Congratulations!!! You and Jeni both have clever ways of announcing babies.

Net said...

wow! congrats! double the trouble, double the fun, right?! very cool.

Another Whitemarsh Family Blog said...

You are so creative! I hope things are going well. Talk to you soon.