Feb 22, 2011

The Journey to India

It all started a few months ago when work approached me about going to India for business.  My job is moving some functions to India, and I had been involved in training some of those people.  It had been somewhat of a joke about me coming since I have smaller children, but after some arm twisting and convincing, I am here in India about to start my 'first day on the job'! 

I left Dallas on Saturday, Feb. 19 and arrived in Bangalore, India on Monday, 2/21 very early in the morning.  We flew from Dallas to London on a 9.5 hour flight where we boarded another plane within an hour or so to fly to India.  The flight to India from London was also 9.5 hours, and it was a little more difficult than the first leg of the journey here.  We arrived at our hotel around 6:30 am Monday morning.  (India is 11.5 hours ahead of Dallas time - so right now, it is around 5 pm Monday afternoon.)  Needless to say, I was exhausted and ready for a real bed to sleep in.  The drive from the airport was quite interesting!!  It is 55 km from the airport to the hotel, and it took about an hour.  India traffic is VERY different than US traffic.  They don't stop for stop signs or lights unless the intersection is blocked by other vehicles.  I thought a couple times we were either going to be hit or we were about to hit someone.  There were several times I could have rolled down my window and touched the car beside me all while going 60 -80 km/hour!!!  Only 3 times did I find myself grabbing on to the door handle or my bag in front of me a little tighter.  :)   

After settling in some, I laid my head down to sleep, and it was much needed.  For now, here are some pictures of where I will be 'living' for the next three weeks.  Enjoy! 

A view from the door into my room - after 30+ hours of travel to get here, that bed was the most comfortable thing I have slept on!!!! 

The desk area and front foyer

The restroom - yes, the toilet is square!  It is a little odd to sit on needless to say.  :)

The shower - you can't see it, but above the removable showerhead is a ceiling mounted shower head. 

1 comment:

Net said...

Wow! Crazy!
Definitely was not expecting that!
Sounds like quite the adventure. Hope you enjoy your "vacation"!!